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Tel Yehudah Stories

Shane Sokolsky

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This summer is my second year at Tel Yehudah and I am so excited! Before I came here to Barryville, New York, I attended Camp Young Judaea Midwest. I’m a huge sports fanatic and have been playing them for my entire life. Maccabia is always one of the best days of camp. It’s amazing to be able to mix all the campers to create teams that compete for a common goal.

Every year, I try to participate in as many events as I can. I’ve participated in many sports but also in camp’s version of the Apache relay: a series of random challenges – both physical and mental – that requires the entire team’s devotion! Each team works hard to win Maccabia. But no matter who wins or loses, I’m positive that everyone has an incredible day in being to partake in this amazing camp wide event.


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